The simplicity of the mana base for mono-color decks is also great for new players since it removes the difficulty of generating the necessary mana for multiple colors. RT IslandsInFront: The meta has stabilised a bit after the Standard Bans. The main goal will always be to control the board state and then drop big threats with counters and other disruption spells for backup. New players will need to understand what other decks are trying to do on some level and use this information to counter their opponents' plans correctly, but the overall game plan of the deck is very clear. Having the biggest budget decklists database, we can find something good for. The best-of-one Standard MTG Arena meta is somewhat the same as the best-of-three format, with exceptions like Mono-Red Aggro, Soldiers, Selesnya Toxic, and GW Humans. Looking for good Budget Decks still able to score some wins In this section we have 16 limit for Rares and Mythics quantity in the deck structure, so you could assemble those decks with minimal Wildcards investment. Mono-Blue is not the simplest deck in the meta (that probably goes to Mono-White Aggro builds), but it is also far from the most complex. MTG Arena Budget Decks for Beginners June 2023. The experience and skill needed to pilot some decks are extremely high, while others are straightforward. Red Deck Wins decks revolves around the following themes & tribes: Historic, Spellslinger, Removal, Tokens, Legends, Topdeck, Humans, Dragons, and Goblins. Magic decks can have very different levels of complexity. 1 min We have pulled data from MTGA Assistant and are showcasing the top-performing decks of the first weekend of Brothers War Standard from Best of one and Best of three formats.Different versions of the deck may use different counts of each spell, but the play pattern and overall strategy are the same.

Only includes decks from major tournaments.

Once the opponents' plans have been thwarted, or at least significantly delayed, the deck will power out a seven mana Tolarian Terror way ahead of schedule or drop a pumped-up Haughty Djinn for big damage in the air. Standard Top metagame decks June 2023 Standard decks from major events over the last 30 days.